hi everyone! i need a suggestion. i am a newbie at the forum but i have already found a looot of good and valuable information. and maybe someone can help me with the problem..
My questions is about the links acquisition. on what pages should i buy links and is this safe?

You should aware of that buying and selling links is violation of Google's guidelines.

Correction - Buying and selling links for the purpose of increasing your PR is a violation of Google's guidelines.

You should buy links on pages when the subject is relevant, the audience is your site's target audience, and the link is prominent enough on the page to generate enough traffic to your site that it provides a decent return on your investment. If the link just happens to be a static link (i.e. not through an ad server / redirect URL) then all the better, it's possible you MIGHT get SEO benefit from it or you might not. But don't buy a link solely counting on it or not. And don't put any weight into whether or not the link is nofollowed when deciding whether or not it's a good investment.

its not a good idea to buy links for you to have a higher PR..

Well, What can I say? Many webmasters buy links to get good rankings, of course they take all the necessary precautions to make it look link normal.

But like some of them above said it is against Google TOS to buy links to artificially inflate your SERPs.

It's better to have links from the home page of sites.

There is absolutely no need to buy links to your site.

Correction - Buying and selling links for the purpose of increasing your PR is a violation of Google's guidelines.

You should buy links on pages when the subject is relevant, the audience is your site's target audience, and the link is prominent enough on the page to generate enough traffic to your site that it provides a decent return on your investment. If the link just happens to be a static link (i.e. not through an ad server / redirect URL) then all the better, it's possible you MIGHT get SEO benefit from it or you might not. But don't buy a link solely counting on it or not. And don't put any weight into whether or not the link is nofollowed when deciding whether or not it's a good investment.

Whatever the purpose if you buy links the paid links should be disclosed through a rel="nofollow" http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2007/12/information-about-buying-and-selling.html

Do not buy link for PR , you can buy link for traffic.

Try to create natural links for the resource rather buying them because Google not recommend paid links.

Your own links are more powerful, predictable and credible than ones deriving from external sources.

Google PageRank technology is a dinosaur that plays an incredibly insignificant role when it comes to gaining rankings in the SERPs, although most of the search engine optimizers you'll encounter in forums such as this don't see it that way, I can't figure out why. I always suggest for people to concentrate on working with your on-site factors (the optimizable web page/site components) and let any Backlink volume develop naturally on its own.

The advantages are potentially greater than those of exchanged links (due to their non - reciprocal nature). Many agencies use this method to quickly buy powerful backlinks for their clients. Debate in the industry seems to reveal a consensus that there are cases where paid links are legitimate, if they're serving a form of display advertising in their own right. However, some has stated that paid links are an unacceptable means of acquiring links. Several high profile sites have been penalized for selling links by having their Page Rank taken away so that their outgoing links have no value, while several have even been de-listed completely from the index.
so i suggest think before u leap

but guess what u have already asked what to buy , so , be careful and make sure that the link is on a relevant page and in a location that won't appear spammy if checked manually.
anyway buying links is quick and effective.


it is not a good idea to buy links.


Thank you all for the answers. Now I see that in fact it is useless to buy links to raise the raiting of the site within google... may be I should say it in other words. I would like to know, what pages of my site are worth working on (to make their position in google higher). I could place some links from other pages of my site, for example, I just have to know, what pages are worth this work.

As I understend from you, you ask about the value of links direct to your site.

There's one thing you need to know..
as the link is "far" from the default / main page it have lowest value for your SEO

Links from main pade / default page are better for your PR

...Links from main pade / default page are better for your PR...

I would suggest that the OP make a decision right now: Do you want to increase PR or do you want to increase qualified traffic generated from highly ranked webpages deriving from the organic search engine results. If your choice is the latter then this is what I would do:
1.Your landing page (splash page/default page ...) is the most important webpage you have.
2.Look at the links that are in your header and footer (or navigational system). Those should become the important webpages, secondarily.
3.Auxilliary web pages will generate qualified traffic too, but, again, in a more minor role.

Concentrate on building up the important webpages, using the auxilliary ones as support. Read what I wrote about Keyphrase Dynamicability and Anchor Congruency!

Completely disregard PR. Google doesn't consider this factor as important a ranking aspect (because of the tremendous amount of manipulation that has evolved over the last five years) as the inexperienced SEOs that praise it. Google uses at least 200 other indicators when it decides how to rank webpages for a keyphrase search. Work these over and work them well.

Stay focused on what is within your control: your web pages, the power of well-optimized webpage components, an internal linking structure that enforces your keyphrase targets and crafting indisputably unique optimized content.

We don't buy links. Too many other methods to achieve them. But purchased links certainly CAN add value and improve your SERPs and pagerank. I just feel like we get better bang for the buck elsewhere.

Your own links are more powerful, predictable and credible than ones deriving from external sources.

I'm afraid that I'll have to disagree with this one. Links from other domains are like a "vote" of confidence for your site. If you're trying to rank for very competitive terms you will likely wait forever to attain good rankings using only internal links.

Buying Links: Most of the advertised link sellers are well known by Google. (Duh!) If you buy links from a site that's likely to get busted you will probably end up getting no value from those links. If you do buy links it's also a good idea IMO to make sure that they are a smaller percentage of your total link profile.

I don't agree for buying links. You can get free backlinks from high pagerank website.

You can get free backlinks from high pagerank website.

Getting a free link from a higher PR web site is easy. Getting a free link from a higher PR web "page" is a lot more difficult. Big difference.

If you're trying to rank for very competitive terms you will likely wait forever to attain good rankings using only internal links.

Yep, it could take a long time or it can be speeded up too, depends entirely on the search engine marketing strategy. In the meantime, it is impossible not to acquire some incoming links, it happens naturally to some degree. If a webpage can ammass a volume of naturally generated links it can speed up the process of attaining credibilty and importance even more.

There is no doubt though, highly optimized well-crafted webpage/websites fair better in the SERPs, their rankings are easier to maintain and their market share of qualified traffic evolves as the web site promotion grows.

Try to gather links in a normal manner. I mean not to buy links. If you want your keywords to have a decent rank then you must build backlinks in proper way. Much better if you can get high pr backlinks at this could also increase your site pr.

Yes, buying links is safe, if you choose good quality sites. You should better buy links to the pages of your site that you want to see in search results for targeted keywords. Besides, optimize web pages that Google has already considered authoritative. Identify them by using Google Analytics, and service for Google results analysis (KeywordSpy.com, SEMRush.com, SpyFu.com, SEOPivot.com, MarketSamurai, Google Analytics).

The one thing we need to know before giving you an educated reply is what is your site about-is it a free hosted site or a paid domain etc.

All these things factor in-leaving out the moral questions and thinking only in terms of results.
For example-if you are using blogspot or any free hosted site then it matters not of you get 10000 PR4 links pointing to you-you can not get PageRank.

Using forums,leaving comments on ranked sites etc,all these things will bring yopu more traffic and help others find you in SE much better then paying for backlinks.

I earn from people buying links on some of my sites,but would never risk my ranking on my main sites by selling them through any paid service.

A good site with a good niche,original content can get ranking and great search traffic without ever paying a dime to anyone.
If you do not have those things going for you then perhaps pay for some links will help in the short term-but never for long

Why you do not build links yourself.
Buying link is not safe & valuable

For me it is okay to buy or lease a links from those sites with highers rankings you do it in the purpose of increasing traffic to your site and help your users, not just only for PR.

Hey guys!
Again, thank you everyone for the discussion. i am so sorry i couldn't really participate in it because i doesn't know anything about SEO and just learning..
So, what do i have now: i have eventually tried Seopivot and can tell you that the service is amazing O_o it shows all URLs of my site that are known by Google, up to 300 positions! so, i didn't buy links as i understood that it's not safe, so i worked with internal linking..
I guess that some of you might be interested, that's why im writing this.
Hope it will be useful :)

When your competitors report u and google dectect your buying, then u gonna be penenlised! Maybe banned!

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