Hi folks,

I ready on one of the SEO blogs that fter five years, Google has finally owned the patent to the design of its home page. So anyone who tries to copy its design will face patent infringement from Google.

The patent refers to whole Google Home Page as a graphical user interface. This GUI includes the search box in the middle of any communications terminal with two buttons below. It also includes several links below the two buttons.

So, basically anybody who designs their search engines in such layout will be subjected to copyright infringement.

Lots of people are using google's different types of logos. will this be applicable on their logos aswell?

I'd really think that their design is WAY too generic to be patented. Must be why deliberation on whether or not to grant the patent took 5 years.

So u mean Google Owns the Patent of Its Home Page until today??

I can't believe it!

I think company like Google had patent of all its products!

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