Why is the pr ranking of you site important in your google ranking? can't you be on page 1 of google with a bad pr ranking?

PR has little to do with with positioning on the SERPs. You can be on page one for a query with a PR of 0. This is a topic of much confusion to many. Start by reading Google's explanation at http://www.google.com/technology/

I highly recommending reading this page over and over again to gain an overview of Google and the PageRank system: http://www-db.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html

You can be on page one with a low PR rank but it would more often then not mean that the keyword is not searched alot.

PR ranking has nothing to do with your SERPs rankings.

PR ranking denote how muuh Google thinks your website is worth on your website's theme.

Where as your SERPs rankings is determined by how much you have SEOed your website....

You can be No. 1 and still have low PR.

Thanks for all the info.

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