
I am new to this community and am happy I found you!
I was just been told that I should use a redirect on my own site to redirect the xy to www xy
so that the search-engines wouldn't think those were two different sites. Sounded logical and I did so.

But afterwards I had the idea, because I'm only experimenting with my site yet, I could setup two slightly different pages, just trying a different set of keywords.
Well, that wouldn't work with those examples above as I can't access to setup those above addresses differently, but I could setup something as different subdomains.

Or would Google find that suspicous and penalize my site?

Thanks for reading!

Just do whatever seems natural.

Hi Canadafred,

I was hoping to get a few hints, but first, not having a reply for some time and then your short one makes me think my question is a silly question.
Your reply sounded as if I had to find it out myself. Well, in the internet or in SEO, many things don't appear to be "natural" if you first encounter them! But I think that they often do after getting used to them.

So what you made me think about:
I should rather not mess too much with my own domain, because I would like to use it in some weeks or so. (?)
For experimenting I should probably rather use different domains set up for experimenting and further use the best out of them.

Would that appear to you as "natural"? :)
The thing that I find difficult in SEO is on one hand you only get rough information that you have to trust, of course no one precisely tells you what the algorithms are.
And on the other trying out and learning in practice seems to take at least months before you have some amount of results.

It's not like cooking where you can retry the same thing tomorrow and have it working (almost) perfectly after a few times.


Hi Canadafred,...

Hey Dominique

If you can justify having two web sites with completely unique content then you can benifit from inter linking. Make your on-site optimizable content you off-site ranking factors.

Hey Dominique

If you can justify having two web sites with completely unique content then you can benifit from inter linking. Make your on-site optimizable content you off-site rankibg factors. Do it!

Hi Canadafred!

Oh, I rather thought about the same content described a bit differently so I would use different keywords/-phrases. Both leading to the same service. And I would find out a bit more on keyword strategy. (Or is that idea not that good?)
Because I researched keywords/-phrases and tried to account for each of them the search-volume and the amount of the results, but then, simply dividing keyword-occurences by keywoird-searches gave a clear result for the high volume keyphrases and I really don't believe I will get far with this, but that the optimum for me would be less often found keyword combinations... but it wasn't really easy to select the right keyword phrases and I would like to test different combinations. Sorry for making a short story long!

Yes, two different sites as you describe could benefit me I could fill them with (nice) content. Hmmm. At least I'll have some things to think about over Christmas and not be bored too much :)

If you had some more thoughts I'd be really thankful,
anyway I wish you and everyone else a nice Christmas!

Hi Canadafred!
If you had some more thoughts I'd be really thankful,
anyway I wish you and everyone else a nice Christmas!

The trick for you will be in having completely unique content, completely different site architecture and navigational systems. You can have some duplicated content such as graphics/image names/alt attributes and external/outbound links but keep it minimal. Don't let the search engine easily know these are both your babies.

Both web sites should drive in qualified traffic for differing keyphrases. You don't want to be competing against yourself because you'll lose. I just found that out in Bing.

thanks for your tips! I'll have some homework to do now...

Have a nice new year,

You can setup single page on WMT tools as well as google has new tag to avoid duplicate contents which can be defined in header tag section and original URL can be defined.

Oh, sorry mattmark, I don't really understand what you mean!:$

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