We have finally landed the url we wanted all along and want to be certain that we don't start from scratch in SEO. Our webmaster says she has created a "permanent server redirect" to the new one from our old store site (which was an https "cart" address); I have understood that a 303 redirect is the best approach to take to help you preserve the old rankings as much as possible. Any thoughts on the differences, if any, and the best path to take?

... we don't start from scratch in SEO... Any thoughts on the differences, if any, and the best path to take?

The best path to take probably would have been to create a brand new site. Trying to salvage "SEO" (I'm assuming that means link buiding because an optimized site that was transported to a new domain would return to its previous performance levels in due time) might work, might not. Why not perform actual SEO on your new web site's webpages, redirect things to your hearts content, but make the new site stand on its own two feet with or without its link manipulation history. Here's your opportunity to optimize something new, no short-cuts, no feeding from your past; brand new optimized stuff. Keep the old one rolling until you get the new one rolling. Can even do some fancy crosslinking between your combined stuff. It's your stuff, you can link it the way you want, some items here, other items there.

The best path to take probably would have been to create a brand new site. Trying to salvage "SEO" (I'm assuming that means link buiding because an optimized site that was transported to a new domain would return to its previous performance levels in due time) might work, might not. Why not perform actual SEO on your new web site's webpages, redirect things to your hearts content, but make the new site stand on its own two feet with or without its link manipulation history. Here's your opportunity to optimize something new, no short-cuts, no feeding from your past; brand new optimized stuff. Keep the old one rolling until you get the new one rolling. Can even do some fancy crosslinking between your combined stuff. It's your stuff, you can link it the way you want, some items here, other items there.

thx for your information

Tx for your thoughts on this. I'm sure we will return to our former position, or likely better. We were just seeking clarity on the best route to minimizing the "due time" part. Have a good day!

actually the server redirect is a 301 redirect - not 303- and is fine. Check the headers to see if it shows 301 for the old page

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