* 82.21% - Bounce Rate, * 00:01:15 - Avg. Time on Site, * 73.58% - % New Visits - This is the statistics of my website prepareinterview.com for the past two months.

I am including more information to my website, but I don't know why my website has this much bounce rate. Could anyone tell how much this is good statistics? Also the new visits are more, so I have to sustain the new users of my website by providing required information to them.

How about my index page - Do I require to add more relevant information (I believe its already have) to reduce bounce rate? Please suggest.

To keep bounce rate in check (50% or below is ideal), you need to optimize your landing page. After seeing your index page, you need to add more relevant content and also minimize the advertisements on the page....

To keep bounce rate in check (50% or below is ideal), you need to optimize your landing page. After seeing your index page, you need to add more relevant content and also minimize the advertisements on the page....

This is good advice. *thumbs up* :)
There's a flip side to this coin though.. depending on your site, a high bounce rate could mean that your visitors are immediately finding the information they are seeking (like a telephone # or street address) and then leave the site right away.

If that is the case, then consider adding more relevant ads (Google AdSense if you need something quick and easy). There are also ways to monetize your exit traffic. For example, there are companies out there that provide you with some fancy code that will cookie your visitors and collect anonymous data ("in a privacy friendly way"). That data is then sold in an open exchange and you get paid. Look into BlueKai (i believe they are industry leaders for such ventures).

You're getting some good advice here, but rather than aiming at reducing bounce rate, I'd prefer to focus on "goals". Optimizing your site to achieve its goals will likely improve your bounce rate, but more importantly it puts the focus where it belongs. There are many things you can do to reduce bounce that won't improve your website's goals.

(I don't like the idea of selling your cookie data though. I would argue that this is highly unethical.)

Wow, this is cool thanks for this very useful information.

Make sure that you bring your visitor to your landing page. And avoid less click too. You can experiment your page clicks and bounce rate using Google Optimizer :)

(I don't like the idea of selling your cookie data though. I would argue that this is highly unethical.)

I hear ya and for the most part agree.. but let me clarify. It is not the selling of personal data, more like usage data or "intent data." Ad networks are willing to buy this data so they can display more relevant ads the next time you (or someone with similar inent) stumble across their ad publishers.

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