I find something strange about Google Indexing. More than half of the products were indexed by Google sometime back. They reduced the indexing pages and after a while (in a week), only 1/4th of the indexed pages were shown as getting indexed.

But when I search for a product, even the Newer Product which is not even in the sitemap, is showing in the 1st page of Google. For this product, not even a single link has been created.

I don't really understand what it is.

Google has a very interesting and ever changing algorithm. Thus, pages with new content may get indexed much more than statis ancient pages but there are other nuisances as well. http://www.google.com/webmasters/

I don't think this is a new concept. new sites tend to rank very well with google and then after a few weeks they disappear. It's almost like a honeymoon period

if you are using Fresh content in your site so you will getting index early.

I don't think this is a new concept. new sites tend to rank very well with google and then after a few weeks they disappear. It's almost like a honeymoon period

But what about the already indexed pages. Do you mean to say that the original indexed pages are dropped by Google and the new ones are added. Would it do even without a sitemap better than those with a sitemap.

You are right, i have also noticed it several times. I also don't understand why and how it happens.

i know that google makes the index like 2 weeks time!

But what about the already indexed pages. Do you mean to say that the original indexed pages are dropped by Google and the new ones are added. Would it do even without a sitemap better than those with a sitemap.

For large websites, Google does not index all of you pages. It'll take up too much server space

Also remember the concept of sandboxing.

That old pages are disappearing and new pages indexed and ranking well does not mean that one page is being replaced in the index by another

I just assume your new indexing page contain more higher LSI quality compare to other webpage you have on your site

I also noticed that google is impredictable with new websites as they are discovering you so they might index some pages and leave out others. Also, if your website is really big, don't expect them o index all of it

I think that when google index a website is different that when they finish their engine update and how the website will be indexed permanent. Maybe for internal linking they can index first other pages different to the index.

Of course, Google does love fresh contents. So, it would give a higher rank for new and fresh contents. But, if you want to keep your ranking, you should build backlinks for those pages. :)

Have a nice day,

I know that google is index,good links, if you inbound your link to a low pr website, no use!

i also confused what will happen with new page some say always new page is index so what about other pages in site. and if we also make some changes in old pages and its not index then its also not good for our site so please tell me properly about it.

I am into SEO field more than 4 years, but still Google indexing issue is a great mystery to me.

I think this problem is happening with many people. Dont know exactly what Google is thinking. Every new website have to faced this kind of problem and some how every website get indexed soon. So dont worry

To improve the indexing process you should make sure there are some links pointing to your domain. Googlebot works like a spider - visits websites and continue spidering the links on the page. This means that Googlebot will not index your website until there will at least one link pointing to your domain name.

i never understand the Google index strategy some time it happen fast and some time we have to wait for a long time.

Still google indexing problem on new sites are nightmare to the seo newbies.

Takes time...
My blog posts usually appear in search results almost immediately, but are 100% indexed in 2-3 days (info from webmasters tools)

Other of the many unknown factors of Big G.

is there any different of google indexing or indexing.

I read in some forum google does index the sites having adsense but just that fact does not boost ranking. A site has to meet the criteria set forth by google or other search engines like yahoo and msn, in order to get high ranking.

Google indexing means that google bot has crawled or index your web pages.

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