Duplicate content – multiple URL with the same content and identical home page with the same content. The penalty applied to "duplicate" sites is that only the original version of the page gets listed in the search engine and the duplicates content don't get listed at all.i have just got a information from a discussion forum on the dupticate content and want to share with you.

www sitepoint com/blogs/2009/03/07/seo-for-google/

Yeah. Duplicate content will affect your promotional work activity towards the website.

Google severely penalize the site with duplicate content.

Thanks for your post.

I think another issue on duplicate content punishment might be the duplicating contents on different pages for our own sites.

all the best,

Search engines won't penalize you for duplicate content. They will just choose one, credit it with page rank and not credit all of the others.

Yes duplicate content , will affect the seo performance. Bots loves fresh content only.

One easy way to get around duplicate content is to spin your article. :) The thing is, it's free to use an online article spinner too :) PM me ifyou want to know of a free spinner tool online :)

Duplicate content penalty, the never ending story of online marketing. PEOPLE understand once and for all, it has been mentioned here before and in many other forums. THERE IS NO PENALTY for duplicate content, as mackone said, what search engines do is they will index and/or rank a site according to content and keyword relevance and the rest (with equal or very similar content) will just be ignored. So, if you want to consider "being ignored" a penalty, go right ahead.

But I ask myself, why would anyone want to have duplicate content. That leaves much to be desired, people will not take you seriously and in a worse case scenario, you can be sued for copyright infringement!!!

Search engines won't penalize you for duplicate content. They will just choose one, credit it with page rank and not credit all of the others.

Absolutely right! Search engines do not penalize any site for using duplicate content. Actually Google while identify you that you're using duplicate content from other site your content will simply get ignored and you'll be lacking of getting search engine ranking benefits. But you'll never get penalized for that!

Google does not penalize you, the duplicate content is simply filtered from the search results.

I think content is known as a king in SEO terms and it must be very rich and unique towards your site and it will certainly attracts visitors if it has something unique to read and see regarding the topic.

Search engines won't penalize you for duplicate content.

Totally agree. There is no penalty imposed to sites that have duplicate content. If a page is duplicate it is just not visible on search results.

But why other copied and pasted in their weblog and they are high rank than your original post?

Duplicate content penalty, the never ending story of online marketing. PEOPLE understand once and for all, it has been mentioned here before and in many other forums. THERE IS NO PENALTY for duplicate content, as mackone said, what search engines do is they will index and/or rank a site according to content and keyword relevance and the rest (with equal or very similar content) will just be ignored. So, if you want to consider "being ignored" a penalty, go right ahead.

But I ask myself, why would anyone want to have duplicate content. That leaves much to be desired, people will not take you seriously and in a worse case scenario, you can be sued for copyright infringement!!!

If the duplicate content is not considered by google for SERP, why should we unnecessarily post the same article in different article directories. Many post the same article in different article directories.

contents play a big role in ranking if they are unique or healthy on your site then it is beneficial for you but if it is duplicate content then it can effect on your ranking ... so use unique contents...

Fresh content is the thumb rule for Search Engine Optimization.
Duplicate content is not good at all

Each and every page of web page should have unique content. Duplicate content will affect your promotional activities and it ll be penalized by Google.

Yes, the "penalization" for duplicate content in search engines is that they choose the more important site to index.

Duplicate content – multiple URL with the same content and identical home page with the same content. The penalty applied to "duplicate" sites is that only the original version of the page gets listed in the search engine and the duplicates content don't get listed at all.i have just got a information from a discussion forum on the dupticate content and want to share with you.

www sitepoint com/blogs/2009/03/07/seo-for-google/

If you posted both content at the same time, which one would be considered as original and which ones would be not counted?

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