I am totally tired with Vbulletin/phpBB2 forums, so i decided to code a forum application on my own named "Balakrishnan Forum v1.0", with simple to use and good looking features. I applied my forum on these websites


But the problem i face is all my site pages are indexed by google/yahoo/msn, except all inner forum pages. I also removed any session ids that is generated automatically. Just could'nt figure out what the problem! Can anybody help me?

Use mod rewrite so that your pages are edited from php to html extension and then shown to user . It`s something you do with .htaccess file ( i`m not that good at php :o )

First i thank you iwonder for your reply.

yep! I already did that and my forums are fine tuned for htm pages using mod_rewrite. The mistake i did was earlier the session ids were automatically passed to htm pages. I quickly noticed that and quickly disabled those automatically generated session ids. To my surprise i found that just 2 days before google indexed my pages. I guess i have to wait about 2 months to get my sites completely indexed.

Let me know if you have other suggestions!

PageRank determines how deep Googlebot will crawl into your site. My advice would be to increase your PR with high quality inbound links.

I guess i have to wait about 2 months to get my sites completely indexed.

Well u can`t be sure , As promediacorp said inbound links do matter much . Suppose you have linked from 4 site`s it means Search Engines (SE) come`s to your site 4 time`s while crawling them . As far as I know Page rank depends on this .

I agree with your point, iwonder because from my experience i waited for about 2 months for one of my website and Google indexed 1600 pages at a go. I never promoted those sites at all.

I have no problem with indexing pages, but the main issue here is inner forum pages. There has been a lots of people saying that to get your inner pages indexed there should be...

1. Higher PR (of course depends of incoming links)
2. Allow plenty of time to search engines for google' LEVEL 2 crawl.

I think i agree with (2) though i cannot artifcially increase the PR of my pages. I am not that good in creating inbound links. Your advise in this, matter a lot for me.

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