Hi all

While busy trying to gain quality links for my site, I have come accross quite a few directory sites which will offer a listing for a fee and without me having to link back to them.

Are these sites worth the cost and how does google view this (will it know I have bought and paid for links and if so will my rankings be punished for this)?

If the page where my listing is going to be has a page rank from google does this mean it is safe to list my site there and may even help to imrove my rankings?

Many thanks in advance.

Google engineer Matt Cutts actually commented on this exact question about a year ago.

To summarize, he basically says it is OK as long as the Directory provides an editorial review service. In other words, does the directory reject spammy sites?

Hi all

While busy trying to gain quality links for my site, I have come accross quite a few directory sites which will offer a listing for a fee and without me having to link back to them.

Are these sites worth the cost and how does google view this (will it know I have bought and paid for links and if so will my rankings be punished for this)?

If the page where my listing is going to be has a page rank from google does this mean it is safe to list my site there and may even help to imrove my rankings?

Many thanks in advance.

Directory Submissions don't work as great as it used to. In fact, Google does not give too much importance to web directories nowadays.

And you need to check the PR of directories you are offered. If they are less than yours. There is no need to link to them I think.

i suggest you try social bookmarking service

There are no quality directories out there except DMOZ and BOTW. Other link directories are more associated with link farms as many has got more than 200 links on every page. Google webmaster tool guidelines recommends less than 100 links on any single page.

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