
I have been using social bookmarking sites to submit my website and/or new pages and got good results. However, I just manually submit my web site, new pages to these social bookmarking sites.

So, I am looking for a good social bookmarking software to automate the submission.

Any good software out there? I am not looking for a free one.

I can pay money for this software.

Thanks very much for reading.

You could try Socialmarker. It is an online tool which will submit any site you want to the most popular Social Bookmarking sites.

There are two that you can give a try:

Onlywire - It can bookmark your site in over 20 bookmarking sites at once

Web2Submitter - It can submit your site many sites at one click.

i do social bookmarking service one by one manually

commented: Who cares? That wasn't the question. -2

I think bookmarking demon 5 would be a nice choice for this purpose. :)

Have a nice day,

Does BMD actually work?

thank you for giving the best social bookmarking sites

I tried SENuke but am not very impressed with it.

i think bookmarking daemon is the good for use,, but not free,,

Hi, if you want to automated bookmarking submissions the go with socialmaker.com..which gives better results...and onething it works like a manually..

Hi, I am New here. I want to more about Bookmaring Software. Please help me.

For SEO any kind of softwre is quite dangrious so do not do this .

use semi submission software auto submission software not works well.

you can attach a social bar with your website. which on single click will send your data in social web sites. like twitter, stumbleupon, facebook,tumbler,linkedin,google plus. use this social bar . you will enjoy it

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