Okay, ive just set up a new blog


Get it? Its my name! lol.

Anyway, I just wantedto know something?

How do i get more traffic! Ive got google webmaster setup, generated sitemaps, got analytics etc... I am getting traffic, just not much. Oddly, 67-71% of my traffic is referrals from daniweb (via sig link???) 20% of visitors from india, 30% from the USA. But how do i get subscribers, and ad revenue! ive never run a site before. How to promote it?

James, congratulations on taking the steps to having your own blog. As you have already noticed, forum signatures are very powerful, as long as your posts are of high quality you will create enough curiosity in people to want to click through to your site. Do the same with blogs. Subscribe to some and make quality contributing comments. Also try social bookmarking after each new post. Sooner or later you will find people subscribing to your blog.

commented: cool thanks +23

Thanks for the tips :) And yeah im trying to keep it a mix of quality reviews and tutorials, all tech related (Mainly .NET, Linux and Mobile Devices)

Im gonna try and do the social bookmarking side of things more now :)

Make sure that the subscribe box is prominently advertised on your site. I could not find it. Also, add some other subscription options. I hope this helps.

Yeah, following your advice, now the logos for common social bookmarking sites are shown at the bottom of each post. Ways to subscribe to the RSS feed are shown when you hover or click on the rss logo (top right, where the seacrh boxes are)

For getting more traffic do more commenting in forums as well as in blog sites. Besides thesse also do some networking sites too.

Your blog is new one. So you won't expect to get huge traffic on it. Gradually you'll improve and start getting target traffic. Do regular posting on it with unique and informative content and that should not seem like you're only promoting your site. Give reference to other useful and relevant sites also. Ping your blog in pingomatic and pingler.

Apart from the above activities you also need to post comments in your niche blogs and link back your blog whenever posible. Thus way other bloggers would get interested and post comments in your blog also. Submit your blog in blog directories. Tweet your posts and post the RSS feeds in different RSS directories also.

Maintain Social Networking Profiles about your blog. Update it regularly.

Do article submission about your product and brand. It will provide more exposure to your brand.

Try to perform regular SEO technics and you ll gaun a really cool natural traffic. But once you got blog - your main tools are forum's signature and relevant posts; second is - blog comments. Try to leave a relevant comments on other blogs, on those which are related to your.

Best of luck!

Congratulation on creating new blog.. I give you suggestion that try to put almost two blog posts and then bookmark it on famous and good PR social networks like digg, propeller and some other networks.. also try to use less anchor else your blog will be ban by Google!

Have a good time with your new blog!


Thanks for all the tips guys!

Social bookmarking and social networking are good source of traffic. Participate on other techniques as well like blog commenting, article submission, forum posting, classified ads and press release.

thanks for sharing this nice conversation...

I have created new web site and also I have submit my url to directories and search engines. But google not identify my site yet? Please tell me how can i submit my site to web? How can i take traffic to my web ?

I have created new web site and also I have submit my url to directories and search engines. But google not identify my site yet? Please tell me how can i submit my site to web? How can i take traffic to my web ?

Are you sure Google and other search engines have not indexed your site yet? If you query on the domain name of your website, do you get any results?

You can do some propagation on your new site,for example:social bookmarketing submission,article submission,directories submission and so on.

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