
What happens in SEO if you submit new page or blog article of the same website to the same social bookmarking sites (about 40 sites) every day?

When I submit to these social bookmarking sites on the first month, I got a lot of traffic.

The second month, I got less traffic than the first month.

The third month, I got less traffic than the second month.

The 12th month, I got less traffic than the 11th month.

My traffic goes down.

I don't know why? Because I submit to the same social bookmarking sites? or what other reasons may cause my traffic goes down?

Should I not submit my new page every day?
How often should I submit new page to social bookmarking sites?

Thanks for reading.

You probably shouldn't be submitting your "new page" every day. You should really only submit something you think is a very good resource or has the ability to go viral. The traffic you get from social bookmarking sites is generally unqualified and unsustainable. Meaning that a) most of the traffic is irrelevant and will not convert into a sale or click-through to one of your ads and b) due to the nature of social networks, the traffic will spike at first and then steadily decline.

You probably shouldn't be submitting your "new page" every day. You should really only submit something you think is a very good resource or has the ability to go viral. The traffic you get from social bookmarking sites is generally unqualified and unsustainable. Meaning that a) most of the traffic is irrelevant and will not convert into a sale or click-through to one of your ads and b) due to the nature of social networks, the traffic will spike at first and then steadily decline.

Thanks for nice explanation. Its really true..

SEO is a Complex process, the result maybe unsatisfactory just do social bookmarketing everyday :)

I think there are a lot of options to submit your "new page" everyday, but not in 40 web sources. Just create your own schedule for submissions and follow it. To do 10-20 submissions per day are more than enough.

Best of luck!

As far as your site is new to those social bookmarking site, you could gain more traffic, but day by day, it is usual, so, your traffic is going lower, You have to go for new sources to get more traffic like article marketing and etc.

Again, the amount of traffic you get from Social networks depends mostly on the quality of content. It has very little to do with frequency. If you are submitting crappy articles or information, you can expect a crappy response.

You probably shouldn't be submitting your "new page" every day. You should really only submit something you think is a very good resource or has the ability to go viral. The traffic you get from social bookmarking sites is generally unqualified and unsustainable. Meaning that a) most of the traffic is irrelevant and will not convert into a sale or click-through to one of your ads and b) due to the nature of social networks, the traffic will spike at first and then steadily decline.

I want to ask you that is it worthless to get traffic from social bookmarking sites and social networking in your opinion.

Again, the amount of traffic you get from Social networks depends mostly on the quality of content. It has very little to do with frequency. If you are submitting crappy articles or information, you can expect a crappy response.

Very true. Remember that one of the factors behind social book marking sites is linking to sites that are worth reading and spending time at. Thus, if your content does not meet this criteria, then you should re-optimize content submission.

A few things you have to keep in mind
Most social bookmarking sites are no follow
Traffic from bookmarking sites is usually direct traffic and falls off with time
Even if they are do follow the one link from one website rule exists. If your site has one link or a thousand from another site, still counts as one link

I think you might want to:
1. register more accounts on those social bookmarking sites if you want to submit the same old pages OR
2. submit new pages to as many as social bookmarking sites

Also, you might not want to rely only on social bookmarking for traffic purpose, trying social networking, press releasing and other channels would be also OK.

Have a nice day,

I'm not very savvy when it comes to social networking or SEO. What I hope to do is "PARTNER" with an expert in either of these fields. This SEO or social networking "GURU" or expert will use their knowledge to help drive traffic to my site and it will be on a revenue-share arrangement. Is this possible?

You can lean many things in doing social bookmarking like it helps you learn how to submit article in proper way and how is a title are important in an article.

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