Yahoo answers have become a major source of information for most of the people online who are searching for answers. This feature of Yahoo has unique answers from general users for all sorts of question one might be searching for, from the most casual one to the most complex.
The idea behind this feature is quite simple. People use search engines to find questions of their answers, but instead what they find is unorganized information. Searching within that information to find what you are looking for requires a lot of time, so Yahoo started this service which allows people to ask questions and then gets answers from the others, so that people could have information in specific question and answer form.
The idea for driving traffic from Yahoo answers is also very simple. You just have to search that section for your niche or topic your website deals in. Once you find a question whose answer is available on your website in term of a tutorial, product or service, you can safely post a link there and explain how it can help. There would be many advantages for this: It won’t be counted as spam, would be good for link building and also could drive some good referral traffic from there to your website.
In this way, Yahoo Answers could be easily used for driving traffic to blogs and websites.

Of course we can drive traffic yahoo answering very easily because lot of user still not more knowledge about internet they go to yahoo and submitted their query on yahoo answering and they hope that someone give vital and true information.
If really needy person created the threads on yahoo they should be go after 1 days on their thread and get the reply which has given by other experience persons. we give the proper information of regarding thread and give source to send users to informative or targeted page where user read your details and give the feed back to us.
But Now a days we are looking that many seo company self generated the threads and give the answers by other account and send their link, some give the answer like "Getting more info visit here" this not a write techniques to send the visitors.
If we give best answer of users thread definitely they visit your websites and give the actual query to us this is right techniques to drive the traffic from Yahoo answering

Yahoo answers is really very useful if you are looking for the alternate traffic. But if a person is asking any question and your website are fully related to it and can solve their problem then only give the reference of your website.

yahoo answer is very very useful in driving the traffic towards your site...just answer the question properly and give a site which is related to it..

Yes! Drive traffic form yahoo answer is not a big issue. If you answer a question with reference then your website must be related to the question. It is also give you backlink to your sites.

You must to answer correctly what is being asked. Make sure that the topic is related to your site. And use your site as your reference.

When you give a proper answer in yahoo. The user give you points which in turn increases your profile reputation and more visitors search for your answers. This will help in increasing traffic.

Your answer should be relevant to the topic as well as your reference. Otherwise, you will be ban.

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