any one tell me how can i increase.

Get other websites to link to you. The higher their page rank the better.

Google PageRank (tm) is based on that.

Back link is very helpful to improve your site ranking so need to improve your quality back link..

I put ZERO weight into the page rank number that Google's toolbar spits out at you. It's entirely inaccurate. However, as SEOs we still care about google's internal pagerank algorithm. However, we have no clue where we actually rank in it ;)

Do the off page & on page perfectly for your site you can get good pagerank of your site.. but we need to take some time..

Generally speaking, contents on pages and quality of your back links would be the essential factors for PR purpose.

all the best,

You send ads to people around the world to promote your site.

How can i send quality back link?

Instead of concentrating on improving PR, try to improve traffic and serp rankings. Pr won't help you by any means.

thanks for the information dudes :)
i am also doing seo what i suggest is getting backlinks from 10 big sites is far more better than 5000 0 page rank sites :)
so try to get backlinks from .edu, .gov sites which are normally high page rank from 7 to 10 :)

I think this steps may help you

.Update your website frequently
.join forums
.Submit your page to search engines like google and yahoo

Google Pagerank has little bearing on where your web pages will rank in the results pages. A web page with a PR1 can outclass a PR6.

You hardly need backlinks to amass PR. A web page can attain a PR4 by itself with 0 backlinks (or it can be a PR0 with 100 backlinks).

PR is a dinosaur when it comes to search engine optimization. It once had a purpose (and that lasted for about a month).

By Getting Quality and relevant backlinks, you can improve your site rank.

Article writing increase your site traffic.
traffic increase your page rank.

for that u have to do off page and on page task and simultaneously u have to do networking to improve ur PR

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