Hi guys,

My site is being visited almost daily by yahoo,google and msn robots. Given that, is it still worth resubmitting other pages of my site?


IMHO, Manual submission is dead. If the bots are finding your homepage - as they are - and your homepage links properly to your internal pages - then you have nothing to worry about.

I second that. Repeated submissions to the major search engines is worthless. Once they find your home page, they will find the rest of your site.

Be patient with Google. It can sometimes take weeks before a new site shows up in Google, even when the site is being indexed.

it is best if you just leave to the spiders. there is no need to resubmit if your being spidered everyday.

You don't need to submit to Search Engines at all. They are crawler based and submitting manually to SE won't help. You just have to submit to directories and SE will take your webpages from the directories. Make your internal navigation strong and do emphasize on creating sitemap if you don't have one.

Spiders follow links. As long as there is a crawled link to you page, be it internal if you've already been spidered, or external, the spider will get there. Now there's nothing wrong with getting an external link to a specific page either. That might get your page crawled quicker than waiting for a deep crawl. We've all seen sites where an internal page has a higher PR than the home page. It just has more or better links pointed at it.

with google XML site map, you really don't need to submit inner pages to SEs.

Google will automatically will crawl all the urls in your xml site map..

with google XML site map, you really don't need to submit inner pages to SEs.

Google will automatically will crawl all the urls in your xml site map..

I dont find Google Site MAP Effective.

I don't either ... remember, Google Sitemaps will not get more pages indexed than if you weren't using it. It is just an aid to give google a smarter crawl by specifying which pages you want Google to focus more on. Of course, whether those pages are actually crawled and indexed is dependant upon your pagerank and lots of other factors.

don't submit your pages, just get few good links googlebot wil
l come and crawl them and they'll get indexed eventually.

Yeah, manual submission hasn't really been necessary since Y2K times.

My advise is, not to submit at all.

Hi guys,

My site is being visited almost daily by yahoo,google and msn robots. Given that, is it still worth resubmitting other pages of my site?



Please do not resubmit and make your website a spam to the search engines :mrgreen:

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