Hello friends,

I just bought an xml-sitemaps and have question about Google sitemap for SEO.

How often should I run sitemap for new urls or pages?
Do I need to place the html sitemap on the homepage?


Have a nice day!

You need to reference the sitemap in an robots.txt file which gets uploaded to the server. You do not need to link to it from your actual webpage / homepage.

The sitemap should always be up-to-date and always contain all the latest pages on your site.

Hello friends,

I just bought an xml-sitemaps and have question about Google sitemap for SEO.

How often should I run sitemap for new urls or pages?
Do I need to place the html sitemap on the homepage?


Have a nice day!

Every time you add or modify your website pages or URLs you need to run the sitemap. As far as placing the html sitemap on the homepage is concerned, it is always a wise choice to add an HTML sitemap to your website pages not only homepage but every single page for your website in the header and the footer navigation.

Yes, you should update your sitemap.xml when you add new page or update your urls. It's good sitemap.html link on the homepage.

In Wordpress, just fyi, it's free. Hope you didn't pay too much ;)

You should definitely link to your site map from your home page.

Hello friends,

I just bought an xml-sitemaps and have question about Google sitemap for SEO.

How often should I run sitemap for new urls or pages?
Do I need to place the html sitemap on the homepage?


Have a nice day!

How often should I run sitemap for new urls or pages?
Google continuously revisit the sitemap and can easily see the changes. So, adding a few new pages, Google will see them. However, if you are adding bunch of pages, advisable to resubmit sitemap through Google Webmaster Tools.

Do I need to place the html sitemap on the homepage?
HTML sitemap helps users to navigate easily if your site has lot of sections and pages. From SEO point, submitting sitemap.xml in Google is enough.

i think html site map is for human beings and xml is for google spider robots, because google spider robots read the xml sitemap.

what wesley gibson is said is absolutely correct and I think i would like to here is you can generate google xml sitemap page at www(.)xml-sitemaps(.)com

Hello friends,

I just bought an xml-sitemaps and have question about Google sitemap for SEO.

How often should I run sitemap for new urls or pages?
Do I need to place the html sitemap on the homepage?


Have a nice day!

SiteMap is used for Navigation in a website. There are two types of Sitemap: HTML and XML.

HTML sitemap is used by the visitors visiting the website and XML sitemap is used by the crawlers crawling the website... both websites play a very important role in indexing and must be included in a website.

Sitemaps must be updated regularly as a new page is added or updated in a website with latest date and priority and submitted in Google.

HTML sitemap link should be added on the Homepage, no need to add any link of XML sitemap on website ...

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