Which one is the best way of backlink Generation?

I have already tried through directory submission, Search Engine submission, article , forum...Any thing left?

Forum posting and article submission is the best way to get fast backlinks from it.

Hi, LoginBD

Personally, I would like to recommend blogging and press releasing for quality backlinking purpose since these 2 channels would not only be helpful in the quantity but also quality of backlinks to your sites. They are both contextual backlinks and would be loved by all search engines.

all the best,

The best way to gain backlinks is to continually come up with unique content that people will naturally want to tell others about.

Press releases and social bookmarking.

Article submitting & Forum Posting Is A good Baclink.

Press releasing is so tedious, automation doesn't even work half the time. It's too slow, lol. Nevertheless, it's what I recommend!

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