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Here is a must watch video from Google's Matt Cutts confirming impact of social signal (Facebook Twitter etc) on SEO.

A new Era Begins.

As was written in some article 2011 is a year of Facebook

Wow great news...

facebook and twitter are very popular and powerful. they are great to use for SEO to drive maximum traffic to your website.

Its a great news i also heard bind is going to introduce fb like button in their searches.

facebook and twitter are very popular and powerful. they are great to use for SEO to drive maximum traffic to your website.

Yes we most certainly get a lot of traffic from Facebook and twitter because they are the most used social networking sites.


Thanks for your nice sharing.

Personally, I would still think social media optimization would be another channel for IM purpose but not be included in SEO though Google and Bing both include the social search ranking in their SERP results.

all the best,

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Air Force

I got your point, but think in that way not every person on the web are not same and so link posted by different person will have different link values. So if you are on top of your social media your social signal will be stronger and will definitely rank higher on SERP as site maintained will get a proper share of your reputation,

Thats why i am thinking the impact of social signal on SEO will be significant.


Well thanks for the news, we always hear voices is Social Network has any impact,effect and etc....
I think it would have solved that problem to ask..

the video is great thanks. Not only social networking but even bookmark sites help a lot. One should try to integrate them in some order to get the maximum benefit.

Its a great informatic nice ..

I will watch the video of how impact of social signal on ranking.

Popularity and market research says that Facebook and Twitter will play top social media website.

Great news ..

Links from socil networking site also count as backlinks but all links with nofollow atribute

maybe yes or maybe not!only time! i personally don't use twitter, only facebook and a few other social networks!

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