I have working on a project. Ranking Is fabulous in Google but the MSN and yahoo ranking go down day by day . Please give me right solution.

I think don't much worry about Yahoo and MSN (Bing) because Google is like the king among all the search engines.

Right Google is king . So Be Happy

Check your on-page SEO and ensure all the factors like ALT tags, meta description, and meta keywords are correct.

Ensure your site is registered not only with Google, but also Yahoo Site Manager and Bing webtools. Ensure you have your sitemap loaded at all three.

Ensure your site is registered with Alexa.

Ensure you do your off-site SEO and SEM daily.

Also, remember Google, Bing, and Yahoo have different schedules for their bots. You just may be suffering from an old bot search.

Mostly visitors comes to Google so, i don't check my website ranking in Yahoo and Bing.


Please go to the yahoo and MSN webmaster tool and check the error.Remove that error you will achieve the rank by making some work after that.

well as i think there is a problem on your on page where it is not friendly with msn or yahoo. so check them on web master tools

I think you should not worry about this because most of the internet surfers choose Google as their first choice.

only using white hat seo technique is solution of your problem.

Slow and steady is the way to get top rankings. Give it 3 months and work hard and find good places for 1 way links.

Google is king in the field of Serach Engines. So don't worry. Everyone use Google not yahoo and bing.

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