Hi Friends,

I have something to share with you.
Well i am working on a real estate website and promoting its keywords. From last two months i did not get any performance in my keywords. I worked a lot and quality of work also.

Is SEO on real estate website tough or there is any other way to rank up the keywords ??

I think you will have to be a bit more specific than that. You mentioned that you worked a lot: what kind of work did you do? Did you add a lot more relevant links? Did you add a lot of new content? Then of course, the competition for the keywords you are targeting can be another factor, as is the fact that your competition may have done a lot more and better work than you did! So, you will have to evaluate all of these factors to determine why there was no improvement in your own performance. Secondly, are there any fundamental issues you are overlooking? For example, are the pages being crawled and in the search engines' index?

Hi Friends,

I have something to share with you.
Well i am working on a real estate website and promoting its keywords. From last two months i did not get any performance in my keywords. I worked a lot and quality of work also.

Is SEO on real estate website tough or there is any other way to rank up the keywords ??

SEO is the best for real estate website also. But the need is to observe about people demand. Try to know what they highly search for and which words they use most for their demand. According to that create your keywords and when person enter word for their search , your site will be shown in top result.

SEO is for increase the PR and likely to be found on search results for any type of websites.so you have to concentrate on on-page optimization.analysis your competitors keywords and choose your keywords which has low competition with higher search rate.

SEO takes about 6 months to see results for most websites. Do not give up it takes time.

Hi! I have been doing SEO for my real estate sites. For my opinion, you must first know what kind of real estate you are promoting. It can be condominium, hotel, houses or whatever. Find the most applicable niche as possible. And do some blogging, it'll help you a lot. And the result will show after four months or more, so keep your cool down. Keep what you're doing and wait.

links links links :) build one way non reciprocal links, Make sure on page optimization is perfect h1 to h4's, Meta Detail - Descriptions etc alt tags and unique content.

RESEARCH your competitors there is a lot of useful programs out there to help Anallise competitors back link strategies apps like SEO spyglass are a great help.

Keyword research, Unique Content, Link Building, Social MEdia, Blogs, Digg's etc etc

I do agree with @patriciaevansss! and I like your way of working. Most of the ppl don't want to wait they just want result! Thanks for the useful info. :)

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