Hi guys,

I have a strange problem - when Google indexes my blog posts it picks up a "|" after the title.

For example; BLOG POST TILE |

In WordPress it looks fine, but Google keeps adding this pesty | symbol.

Anyone know how to fix this ?

Are you using the all-in-one seo plugin, I know it can change the title of the post page.

It will be visible on only blog posts not on the blog home page. If your blog post title are appending with the help of a | (pipe line) separator, google will also show it while displaying your title in SERP. Since | are used to Append the title of the blog posts so if you do not want to see it in search result just log into your wp admin area and change it with whatsoever you want instead of |.


i think u have use some plugin..u can take a look

Use most popular SEO plugin for your wordpress blog.


It would helps you a lot to manage your on-page optimization tags. I am using this plugin for all my blogs. I strongly recommend this.

And nowadays google displaying there own titles.

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