how to submit sitemap in google webmaster tool..!!
plz suggest frnds

The first step is to create a webmasters account. Then create your sitemap. You can do it manually or programatically. If you need help, there are quite a bit of websites that help you create one for free by programatically navigating your site.

Once you have your sitemap, go ahead and upload it. It may take a few days for GoDaddy to index the pages.

The easiest way is to use a CMS or Blogging software like Wordpress, which will make crawling a lot easier and has plenty of free SEO plugins that make this a breeze to handle instead of a lot of meticulous code snippets to post on your site for SEO with Google, etc.

Jorge, don't you mean it may take a few days for Google to index the pages? :) Last I checked, the only thing GoDaddy knows how to do is make superbowl commercials. They certainly can't reliably maintain their network, if today's disaster was any indication. No offense to GoDaddy, because they've advertised with us before and I'd like to keep them as a loyal customer ... so maybe I should think about hitting the delete key right around now.

Worth to remember you have to create an XML sitemaps (normal, image, video etc.)

You can't submit e.g. a HTML sitemap.

Anyhow, like others said, start by creating an acount in Google Webmaster Tools (and Bing webmaster section as well) and follow the steps from there.

why i created sitemap but it isnot index google. help me. site me: rao vat

submit sitemap in webmaster tool is very easy.

  1. Create a sitemap from fre sitemap sites.
  2. Copy that file in to root file.
  3. After create a webmaster account
  4. Go to sitmap option
  5. A dialog box shows like
  6. add sitemap/xml exampel (
  7. For check it that your are doing correct just go to browser and check with same url
    You see your sitemap that you submit in to root file.
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