I heard a lot about profile linking i.e. Get registered on a particular site and post link in your profile. But if the sites are irrelevant ones but they all have good domain authority and High PR. I'm not sure whether to go for profile link building or not? And will such link building penalize the site from penguin updates?

Profile link building is the best strategy for getting more traffics and quality back links.

Choose sites that have the same niche with your site so Google will not consider your backlinks as spams.

Profile link building in high page rank & domain authority sites will be very useful in getting quality backlinks to our website.

profile link one the way to get backlink but you have make sure it cache or not because profiles are often not crawled by Bots...

I did this sometimes back and was very helpful but not sure how this works now. If it works now..then you are really lucky son of a gun ;) you've more websites to create profile. But do check again with other gurus as well..because google might change anything anytime!!

There is no matter about relivency here in profile linking because in author bio the nature of link may be any thing so that this provide the strong backlinking

Do you mean the homepage in your profile?

There is no need to relivancy in profile linking due to relaxtation about this in author bio there could be any information so that provide the strong back link

How to do Profile Linking???

Profile linking is one of the ways by which you can link back to your site. It involves adding your website URLs to the personal, professional, or business profiles that you create on various websites. You can sign up as a user or member on forums, social media sites, and other kinds of membership sites.

@sherlynjames: Yup!! only my homepage.
@RayKersten: One way links are always good... its immaterial whether they are related or non related site.

This is a good way to generate traffic.

link building, blog commenting, article submission, directory submission and social bookmarking will do. You really have to work on it before you get the 1st page of google search. For link building you have to build quality backlinks.

Another thing would be you have to optimize your website specially the he H1 tags, Title tags, meta tags. Also make sure that your website has a good and quality content.

thank you,

very good discussion so far. I would like to add some tiny points not to ignore in light of Google guideline. For onpage Title and Alt tags are important, Description and H1 are not weighted by Google.

We also have to focus to put value for the customers in our marketing process and we have to work on this thought as well. This is must to be different.

The search engines like it when links to a site come from another site that deals with usually the same topic, where the content on the first website complements the content on the second website, and vice versa.

It is one of easiest way to get backlinks, but fact is backlink count quality only when your profile is highly popular, otherwise it is not going to help much in SEO

@sharma.gaurav: how to make your profile highly popular?

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