Google algorithm panda and penguin update just because to improve search results. It will helps the user to find right search. Also it helps to get benifit the person who using seo services

So what is your question?

Ya of couese, latest google panda and penguin rold out and search result emproved.

In my opinion Remove all the spamming links from your site and use ethical techniques to improve your site. Improve the content quality.

It's Simplt that you must concentrate and trying to create link from relevant sites, but question is what are you asking in that question.

Google is focuing on the more and more on quality so try to make the effort to write a good content and make a site for users and not for the search engines.

i think that if people want to be promoted on Google search results, first they should respect the webmaster guidelines and promote their website in that sense.

After the goole and panda we should practice safe and clean seo by avoiding spammy links and generate backlinks naturally.

yeah its difficult.

Google is always try to presents a most related result which user enter in SE. This updates helps you to user that get more accurate and related results that they want.

Well, I'll deny the fact I'll say after the penguim update it is almost becomming easier to get yourself ranked because most of the fake work that previously SEO guys are doing in order to rank you up is vanished. This just means if you are putting 50% effort towards the White hat work you can get yourself easily ranked among the search engines. And yes I would also like to add the people who are complaining that because of the update..... let me give you are suggestion try to remove all the spammy activites you have worked over the past few years. I am sure you will get yourself ranked easily over the Search engines.

Google keeps on updating its algorithm, so we should follow them regularly to improve the site rankings.

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