In case you've missed the news, Google finished rolling out Penguin 2.0 yesterday. They're expecting the algorithm change to have a noticeable affect on 2.3% of US English queries. Further info on Google's Webmaster Central Blog: Another step to reward high-quality sites

Do we have any winners and losers here?

Alas, I read the news yesterday but didn't post here like I should have. Thanks for doing it! I checked yesterday and didn't notice any difference. Was really hoping that Penguin losers would push us higher up the food chain and help out our Panda situation (currently hit hard).

Shit, down 15% compared to this time last week, but it might be partially due to the holiday weekend.

I lost rank but on some keywords....

I got some serious punishment from google..but dont know why google picked me content are unique though..

I heard the news and checked my projects, they all are fine so far.

I'm really starting to think that Google purposefully rolls out big updates to coincide with major holidays so that you'll be thrown off whether the traffic fluctuation is due to them or outside factors.

I am kinda focusing on the social networks and the traffic from the referrals like say forums and blogs. I prefer to get conversion via those type of the traffic instead of google.I know content based sites require google but relying on google for business is not a good idea anymore.

Many people are discussing on the issue of penguin hurting there websites again but i have not seen any changes in any of my site's after the update.

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