Hi every one,I am new to seo.Can any one tell me about on page seo.

On page SEO is basic part of SEO procedure, in which we have to make changes inside the webpage like title, meta tag creation, sitemap submission etc. Which helps to crawl the bots to visit our website and rank it on search engines.

SEO is basically an organic or we can say a natural process of getting up your website in search in engine ranking.

SEO is very important for visitor and visitor is the soul of website. On page SEO is the first task of SEO such as keyword research, domain name selection, sitemap etc.

SEO stands for “search engine optimisation.” it's the method of obtaining traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines. All major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing have such results, wherever websites and different content like videos or native listings square measure shown and hierarchic supported what the programme considers most relevant to users. Payment isn’t concerned, because it is with paid search ads.

Hi, In seo terminology on page seo means , only foucus on your site content , meta tages.
your Title should contain kewyords , your site url contian keywords.

On page seo is important part of seo. We put title, meta tag, check content duplicate, keyword stuffing, variation and more.

OnPage SEO is crucial part because if onpage od SEO follows the guidelines of Google then it becomes easy to get the keyword ranking.

On page SEO or search engine optimisation is making sure that your website is as search engine friendly as possible. If your website is not optimised then you have less chance of getting good results in the search engines, here is a quick guide towards good on page SEO:

Make sure that all of your web pages can be indexed by search engines - make sure that they all have at least one link from somewhere on your site.

Make sure that you have unique content on every single page.

Make sure that your meta-tags are arranged correctly - your page title tags and description tags should describe the content of your different web pages. The page title tags should be less then 68 characters and the description tags more detailed but less then 148 characters.

Make sure you label the different headers on your web pages using H tags.

Make sure that your web page URLs are SEO friendly, use mod re-write for Linux and Apahche hosting

Steps for On page optimization
Website analysis
Competitor analysis
Keyword research
Creation of title, meta tags, alt tag
creation of sitemap
creation of robots.txt file etc

In on page we have to do changes on the website like title, meta tags, alt tages, creation of robots.txt file and sitemap etc.

seo improve your website ranking in search engine.

SMO is the best technique by which traffic can be generated. The methods of SMO which helps a lot are forum posting, blog commenting. blog posting and social media sharing on high PR sites.

SEO services help to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found and ranked highly by the search engine.

SEO is the techniques used to optimize the website to get high rank in search engines.

On-Page optimization is a process of maximizing your web page appearances with the relative keywords that are present on page content in the search engines. This may not increase the ranking of your web pages but makes it easier for search engine to recognize the content of the web page, which in deed helps the search engine to send the targeted traffic to your web page.

On page elements:

title tag, header tag, anchor/link tag, blod tag, image tag optimization, meta tag optimization, content optimization.

Its completely called onpage optimization that includes change in keywords title and discription. basically effective keywords are inserted to get more better response

Mzondi Lungu

Hi to you onpage seo is a easy task to know if you know little bit of designing and It mainly include which keyword to include and how much to include.

it is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine " natural " or unpaid search results. There are two types of Seo On page Seo, Off page Seo. Both plays a very important role in Seo. The main purpose of Seo is promoting the site to increase the number of back links or inbound links as well as increase in page rank.

Seo is a methodology of increasing traffic to your website. SEO is of two types: ON PAGE OPTIMIZATION and OFF PAGE OPTIMIZATON. On page optimization is done on web page by dong keyword analysis, Mata tags, url structure, unique content and quality and off page optimization includes link building, social bookmarking, blog commenting and much more .

On page seo includes techniques which are used so as to design website and create a structure online of your site..

Ofcourse , At on page optimizations , we have to some tactics ie,
1.Keyword Research
2.Competitors Analysis
3.Title Tag Optimizations
4.Meta tags optimizations
5.Generate Sitemaps
6.Link Navigations
7.Avoid bloack hat seo techniques

Well now a Days SEO is to tough. SEO is divided in 2 activity i.e On page and Off page. In On page SEO we work on frontend of site and in Off page SEO we work on backend of site. When we decide to promote any site then first of all we should to do ON page optimization like Meta tagging, Sitemap, Robots.txt, Canonial Tag, Alt Tag, GEO Tag, No Follow, Do Follow Tag. Meta tagging consist of Title, Keyword, Description.

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and it is the techniques used to optimize the website to geta high rank in search engines.

SEO is a part of online marketing and it is beneficial for the promotion of your products and services on internet or in link buildings

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