lets say i have a website xyz.com and i want to rank for a keyword i.e toys, dolls, christmas gits
what if i by domains toys.com, christmasgifts.com and dolls.com or their close variants & optimize each and put links to my main website xyz.com
i specifically put links on toys.com from the page for toys on xyz.com say 1 link per page and do the same for the other exact name domains
has anyone tried it, does it work

I never tried. But if you use EMD for better ranking, Google says that you should sell or be what your exact match domain is. For example if you use toys.com then this domain should be related to toys if you want ranking for the toys or varian keyword. This is what we call EMD update.

By the way good question. A better experiment can be done.

@Deepanshu_1 Can you let me know more about EMD I don't know what actually EMD is, I have tried Googling a little but I am still confused with it. Can you let me know what actually it is ?

The EMD Update — for “Exact Match Domain” — is a filter Google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names.

"if you use EMD for better ranking, Google says that you should sell or be what your exact match domain is. For example if you use toys.com then this domain should be related to toys if you want ranking for the toys or varian keyword. This is what we call EMD update."

An EMD might be an SEO tactic, but it’s just one small factor of many – it’s not a strategy.

One comment I want to throw in.....

I assume that your main website xyz.com is an ecommerce site; although your strategy can be done well, I think it is important that you remember the original reason why you have xyz.com and thats to make sales - convert visitors to customers. By attempting to re-route traffic from another website in order to increase visitors to xyz.com you may find that you might boost traffic but not necessarily turn that traffic into customers if that makes sense.

Its from my past experiences that web surfers are lazy; if they need to work to hard to get a product - they will use your competitors. Heck the reason we do online shopping is for convenience, by making it more difficult for customers to buy you may find this tactic is counter-productive.

Now if you are super sneaky and using this tactic only to increase SERPs; then you may get the results you are aiming for as long as your customers arent going to be going through the link spokes to get to the center of the wheel (if that makes sense since this is a link wheel you are talking about).

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