Hi all.

I'm using Yoast SEO pluging for wordpress and SEO friendly images in my site so it can get popular in google. It's not too old, I made it about 2 months ago. It used to have 50-60 google searches per day by two weeks ago. But now it's usually 20 per day. Pages crawled per day are about 300, it was too much more before, about 1000 pages.

And with 1500 indexed pages, only 120 results show up when searching "site:kdramas.in". I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Can someone please help me with this? 1500 pages and 20 searches each day?

My website address: http://kdramas.in

All these pages are linked from any static pages? Have you uploaded xml sitemap? Make sure all your pages are linked from any static pages, else for search engine it will be difficult to crawl these pages. Also build some backlinks for these URL's.

Well, Ditto as danielmav and also I would like to add over here's two months is just not enough usually getting yourself ranked over the SERPs takes a little more time I would say anyway what you can do is keep the good work up and also start looking over to your competitors because you want to get a idea what they are are doing which you're not. So, far I would say things look good to me also try creating pages over facebook,linkedin,twitter to surge traffic from social media tooo as they are also a good source of traffic.

All these pages are linked from any static pages? Have you uploaded xml sitemap? Make sure all your pages are linked from any static pages, else for search engine it will be difficult to crawl these pages. Also build some backlinks for these URL's.

All of the posts are linked from the home page. Uploaded xml sitemap to webmaster too. Build backlinks to homepage only? Or one backlink to each post individually?!

Well, Ditto as danielmav and also I would like to add over here's two months is just not enough usually getting yourself ranked over the SERPs takes a little more time I would say anyway what you can do is keep the good work up and also start looking over to your competitors because you want to get a idea what they are are doing which you're not. So, far I would say things look good to me also try creating pages over facebook,linkedin,twitter to surge traffic from social media tooo as they are also a good source of traffic.

I agree, two months is a short time to expect my website to appear in the first page of the Search Engines. But as I said, it had about 60 searches per day about two or three weeks ago, now just 20. One of my competitors became the first result in Google in one month! That's why I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I'm not using Facebook nor the other ones. But seems a good idea. I'll create pages there for my website.

Where else can I build backlinks easily?

Well, as I said before better option would be looking onto the competitor, check where he's in better positing than you, and you'll have the path to follow. And as far as creatin backlinks are concerned I would say you remove the term "Where else can I build backlinks easily" out of your dictionary instead of it add the term "How can I build backlinks in a funny and addictive manner" so, the answer over here is start participating over the forums, Questions/Answers like Yahoo answers, mosaichub and all, also start posting some information blog post over your own blog and use the power of social media to promote is and once you get the fun in building link by participating ... you will start getting bulk of them ... :D

I totall agree with Kelly Burby.

Since your website is only 2 months old. Organic website traffic has decreased from 60 to 20 .

I guess the reason for this may be:

Initially most of your pages has been indexed, but now Google has de indexed some of your pages (Find out which pages Google has De Indexed)

There may be number of factor to de index.

Read this : 17 Ways to Get De-indexed by Google

See if your website follows anyone of the above mentioned tactics.

You need to add domian name in all page's meta tags, titles and descriptions. Also check sitemap of the site and all fetches in webmaster tool.

Thanks try and let you inform update to get more idea.

from experience you can rank p1 n1 in less than 2 weeks when using the operator site:websitedomain.com if u follow these steps

  1. lots of content
  2. an updated xml sitemap
  3. add ur site to google using google webmaster tools
  4. create a google business page & link it to your website, also create a facebook, twitter & varous other social media sites
  5. share all your links individuall on all the social media accounts u have
  6. find ways to get links from other sites

*Have a meta description & title that is unique for every page
*in google webmaster tools also choose which site structure u want to use wwww to http
*redirect the index.html to www.yourwebsite.com

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