I am feeling a little overwhelmed in all this SEO stuff.

I recently used the W3C's validator on one of the pages on my site and found I had a lot of errors. Most of the errors are things like "there is no attribute "TOPMARGIN"." Apparently the W3C sees this as outdated.

Before I spend a ton of hours fixing the issues I wanted to try and see how important this was in my SEO efforts? How much weight does "outdated code" have in the search engines mind?

Also - Inbound Links - kind of the same question applies. How much weight does this really have in the search engines mind?

I am just trying to figure out where I want to spend most of my efforts.

I may look for an SEO to help me. Please PM me if you know of a reputable one.

I tried in w3c validation tool to validate google, yahoo and msn website.
Result: Failed validation, 50 errors for Google
Result: Failed validation, 283 errors for yahoo
Result: Failed validation, 25 errors for msn
Result: Failed validation, 2 errors for microsoft
Can you conclude from it.

I am not sure how that effects me though. Apparently the reason SE's consider quality code an importance is so the spider can get through it eaiser.

Thats true having a validated W3C will have some effect in search engine spider. Any how it wont do much as other factors. This is my opinion.

Valid code will help to ensure the search engines crawlers can parse your pages correctly. Badly written code runs the risk of casing parsing errors and thus not being indexed.

But valid code does not give you a boost in the rankings.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed in all this SEO stuff.

I recently used the W3C's validator on one of the pages on my site and found I had a lot of errors. Most of the errors are things like "there is no attribute "TOPMARGIN"." Apparently the W3C sees this as outdated.

Before I spend a ton of hours fixing the issues I wanted to try and see how important this was in my SEO efforts? How much weight does "outdated code" have in the search engines mind?

Also - Inbound Links - kind of the same question applies. How much weight does this really have in the search engines mind?

I am just trying to figure out where I want to spend most of my efforts.

I may look for an SEO to help me. Please PM me if you know of a reputable one.


This is good for a website that provides programming services :lol: this is not the important factor in the search engine rankgins :eek:

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