How much is too much??
Is there a limit on how many times a work appears in content, alt tags, title, etc. I know that density and prominence is most important here, but what does the occuence of a site in any way make your site fall short of rank??


Here's an idea: write your content for your visitors and not for search engines. If it sounds like you are using your keywords too much, then you are.

The content IS done for the visitors and it's good too. I'm concerned about alt tags and pageg description and KW. If i use the KW too much in content, should I NOT use them in ALT Tags... like I asked, how much is too much??

You should be using alt attributes for accessibility and usability. SEO shouldn't even be a factor. Removing them to make search engines happy would be a travesty. And keyword density is way overrated. If your page seems to flow properly then there is nothing to worry about.

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