Please let me know if you guys have any experience with Mivas traffic , is it targeted yes or no ? and what other PPC programs delivers targeted traffic , thanks !

Well i think no one had any experience with Miva and Ask and i would say Miva had a better ROI !

I'm confused. You have no experience with Miva or Ask but you say Miva had a better ROI for you?

Yes, why would you say i dont have any experience, i've tried both Miva and Ask and one that gave me a better ROI is Miva even though they had European traffic but i had signups and with Ask the output was none !

I misunderstood you when you said "no one had any experience" I thought you were including yourself.

ya i was actually saying if no one has any experience so far with those PPC Engines... but that was long time ago , i dont use em anymore tryin my own tactics to drive traffic in now =)

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