I have mortgage website that I ran a pr future update and it show my website with a pr 7 it now a pr 5, how close are these tools of being correct?

They aren't accurate at all. They just make up numbers. You shouldn't ever bother using one.

I see changes on my webs. But results are differents on datacenters, 12 datacenters show pr5 and 6 datacentes shor pr4

The results are definitive?

The results are still in flux and will be for a while.

one day, two days..?
More things. Daniweb has a page rank 6, when a few days ago had 7.

More likely a couple of weeks

Google update is still going on and there would be fluctuation due to fetching of data different data-centers.
My site's PR has raised from 6 to 8...:)

I think google PR is now updated.
I just got updated pr of my three websites.

I got p2 on my two websites from pr0.


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