How google adsense differ between invalid and valid click?

There some tips to increase our text ads click?

This may help: How does Google detect invalid clicks?

They use a combination of algorithmic tracking and human tracking to observe abnormalities in clicks. But even so, it is advisable to monitor your own website statistics to ensure that nothing abnormal is happening.

Do not try to increase clicks -- Google can disable your account for click fraud if they notice you attempting to game the system. The best thing to do is put a lot of content on your site and scatter the ads throughout.

thank for ur info tamar.
there is any tips adsense placement on our blog.

There are a few blogs that can help, but you have to be careful not to break the TOS.

One of my favorite blogs in this area is JenSense. I've also heard her speak and she gives great tips on how to best place your ads.

There are a few blogs that can help, but you have to be careful not to break the TOS.

One of my favorite blogs in this area is JenSense. I've also heard her speak and she gives great tips on how to best place your ads.


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