Hello all,
This is not a question regarding the specifics of how you manage to make a primary income, but for those of you who do make an income from adsense,advertising on your websites etc. (whether it's a 6 figure income, or enough for you to get by/live comfortably) I just have a few questions.

When you are developing a site do you tend to use "out of the box" solutions such as Wordpress, phpbb etc. or do you develop your own?

How important would you conisder creating an "identity" for your site over the content?

If you are using an out of the box solution do you continue to use this or do you eventually develop something custom once you have gained a regular audience?

Many Thanks

sneha_17 commented: gold buyers +0

I think that gets down to the nitty gritty of which niche you are part of.

A lyrics website I run is completely custom coded, something we've been developing for over 3 years now.

my personal blog uses Wordpress with a custom theme, so it has branding as well as usability.

if there is something out there that will let you do what you need to do, then go for it.

moral of the story: don't reinvent the wheel

but branding is still important. using Wordpress is one thing, but branding is as your own is important too -- if you want to create an online identity.

Thanks you make some good points there. The only thing I don't like with using existing solutions it that you are limited in functionality sometimes unless you know the system and comfortable with making your own mods.My main problem though is that I like creating sites, but I don't like recreating the 'functionality' if that makes sense. I've started on a new approach though whereby Im starting to build a number of classes designed to handle a number of different things i.e a news class, discussion forum class, gallery class etc. Hopefully when I have these completed I should be able to knock sites out in no time....then I'll have to start worrying about quality content.

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