Hello all
im looking for places in the net that offer platform that im as developer can
build applications on them .
for example Apple AppStore and sFaceBook .
is there more platform like this ?

are you looking for a web hosting service? If yes, there are hundreds of them. Just google for it.

no . not at all . im looking for platform that will give me opportunity to earn moneylike facebook and the facebooks apps and Appstore and the iphone applications
i just wander if there is more platform like this on the web

You can always be a myspace developer but that only makes you money if you get advertisers yourself. You can always make an app where you charge for something extra; though I don't like those. I am a myspace developer.

I think Google, Ning, and a bunch of other platforms have entered into some sort of consortium (OpenSocial) allowing applications to be shared across many platforms. Here's the link that will help you: http://developer.ning.com/

ok cool
now i found that Amazon offer ws/rest api that u can use to try and sell and then you could get money on every sell they make that directed by u

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