As a professional blogger I learned a lot about what it takes to run and build a successful blog and community. Perhaps even more important, I learned why blogs are an important promotional, social networking and community building tool. For serious podcasters and online radio hosts, blogging is a must. Here are some reasons to consider starting your own blog:

1. Blogs bring in search engine traffic - Blogs have the ability to bring in massive amounts of search engine traffic. You can use this traffic to your benefit. Talk about your show and promote upcoming guests and topics.

2. Blogs give you a place to showcase your shows and podcasts - Did you know you can embed your show’s player on your blog? This gives your readers and listeners a convenient place to listen, and keeps traffic where you want it most. Plus, when hear your most recent show, they might be inclined to visit BlogTalkRadio to check out the archives.

3. Blogs allow you to share news and ideas - Explore your niche and bring readers and listeners the latest news, tips and ideas in your topic.

4. Blogs offer you the opportunity to build up a community - For many bloggers, the best part of blogging is growing a community. When folks comment on a regular basis, you know they’re interested in you and what you have to say. When your community is turned on to your blog, they’ll want to learn more about your radio show.

5. Blogs allow you to keep the conversation flowing long after your show ended - A blog is the perfect vehicle to follow up on radio show topics. Plus your community and listeners can continue the discussion long after the chat room ends.

6. Blogs are an awesome promotional tool - Your blog is yours to do with whatever you like! Use it to promote your shows to your heart’s content. Discuss upcoming guests, topics and more.

7. Blogs allow you to share links and resources - After each show post links to informative articles and resources for further exploration.

8. Blogs give you the opportunity to take your podcast to a whole new level - and vice versa - Blogging allows you to expand on your day’s topic and reach a whole new audience.
9. Blogs are fun - Most bloggers blog because they love what they do. Blogging about your favorite topic is fun and addictive.

10. Blogs helps you become established as an expert in your niche - Use your blog to showcase your expertise. Show off your knowledge. When you know what you’re talking about, folks want to read what you have to say.

Agree with all the points. Nice info, Thanks for sharing the tips.

That indeed is a very good coverage of all that you can do with the blogs. They are very much needed to beat the competition.

Great info! Thanks for the great tips! Blogs definitely seem to be more search engine friendly than typical websites.

Blogging also is a great way to unwind thoughts after a hard days work or anything of that sort...unwinding. It also helps a person connect to all his friends around the globe.

Nice post you got there. Yeah blogging is definitely addicting if you post things that is fun and important to you. 3 years ago I started blogging and I just couldn't stop. Its your complete shoutout! Much more if you have good content on your blog it could be a could traffic generator to the site you want to promote. Nice resource of income as well.


yeah.. nice one.. career blog. It brings business punk

Good points... I think most of us like blogger.

good posts...i like blogs and enjoy writing em.

couldn't agree more very good tips, and also the important is , blogging can make money :)

Good points and information. I blog to help socialise with websites that have similar or better information to help promote site.

Blogging is an excellent hobby and can be also a business. You have great article.

It is also through blogs where i could easily get more ideas for the articles i've been writing. It gives me a sort of inspiration as well.

I always wanted to start my blog but could not manage my time. I hope this thread should give me some motivation to start my blog now at least.

I am planning to start a blog on internet marketing manily SEO related things.

Those were really inspirational helpful tips especially to newbies. Something to be bookmarked on. Thanks for sharing it!

It gives you more effective results than a website. You can do everything on a blog that you do on a website.

Well I definitely agree with all your points, nice post.

Amen to that! Blogging is a good way to attract readers and visitors.

Yes. I manage 10 blogs. My blogs help me to share my thoughts with my readers.

Its really a nice information..thanks for sharing with good ideas..

Thanks for good posts!
I have a few Blogs, but I need that my day would be 48 hours to refresh each of them.

So, I have to make order and choose primary and secondary blog, and delete the oldest blogs.

Very well put in your post. Blogs are so rich in value and amazingly high in traffic in terms of organic seo. In most cases you can populate a very nice custom blog in minutes.

As a professional blogger I learned a lot about what it takes to run and build a successful blog and community. Perhaps even more important, I learned why blogs are an important promotional, social networking and community building tool. For serious podcasters and online radio hosts, blogging is a must. Here are some reasons to consider starting your own blog:

1. Blogs bring in search engine traffic - Blogs have the ability to bring in massive amounts of search engine traffic. You can use this traffic to your benefit. Talk about your show and promote upcoming guests and topics.

2. Blogs give you a place to showcase your shows and podcasts - Did you know you can embed your show’s player on your blog? This gives your readers and listeners a convenient place to listen, and keeps traffic where you want it most. Plus, when hear your most recent show, they might be inclined to visit BlogTalkRadio to check out the archives.

3. Blogs allow you to share news and ideas - Explore your niche and bring readers and listeners the latest news, tips and ideas in your topic.

4. Blogs offer you the opportunity to build up a community - For many bloggers, the best part of blogging is growing a community. When folks comment on a regular basis, you know they’re interested in you and what you have to say. When your community is turned on to your blog, they’ll want to learn more about your radio show.

5. Blogs allow you to keep the conversation flowing long after your show ended - A blog is the perfect vehicle to follow up on radio show topics. Plus your community and listeners can continue the discussion long after the chat room ends.

6. Blogs are an awesome promotional tool - Your blog is yours to do with whatever you like! Use it to promote your shows to your heart’s content. Discuss upcoming guests, topics and more.

7. Blogs allow you to share links and resources - After each show post links to informative articles and resources for further exploration.

8. Blogs give you the opportunity to take your podcast to a whole new level - and vice versa - Blogging allows you to expand on your day’s topic and reach a whole new audience.
9. Blogs are fun - Most bloggers blog because they love what they do. Blogging about your favorite topic is fun and addictive.

10. Blogs helps you become established as an expert in your niche - Use your blog to showcase your expertise. Show off your knowledge. When you know what you’re talking about, folks want to read what you have to say.

Really Great write up for bloggers, Thanks for sharing wonderful blogging tips.

Blogging also is a great way to unwind thoughts after a hard days work or anything of that sort...unwinding. It also helps a person connect to all his friends around the globe

I think that Blogs are worthwhile only when they have interesting content.

i agree with this post thanks for sharing

Oh, wow!

thank you.

I knew that blogging was good, and I had my points on it, but right now I see that you covered them all))))

thx for sharing)

thanks for the info! but how do you start blogging? where do you get inspiration? i heard that it's better to have niche blogs?

money $$$

Agree with all the points.
Thanks for share.
If possible, please post some more .

Dexter series dvd

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