I recently established some web hosting for one of my clients and the hosting company package included some free advertising credits for Google Adwords and Facebook advertising. While I have experience with Google Adwords I have none for facebook. Does anyone have any experience or results they care to share?

Also, will the recent revelation that Facebook will use member photos for ads if the member does not change their privacy settings make some companies shy away from using Facebook Advertising for fear that they might be sued for use of someones image without their permission?

Does anyone have any experience or results they care to share?


I have used them for three different campaigns,and was very disappointed with the results,although I think some ideas or products may do very well,however over all I do not feel that the Facebook crowd is very heavy consumers of internet marketing.

If you are selling consumer products you may do well.

I don't think Facebook ads are cost effective because the ads are generated following keywords listed in users profile and their “interests” field.

I have used them for three different campaigns,and was very disappointed with the results,although I think some ideas or products may do very well,however over all I do not feel that the Facebook crowd is very heavy consumers of internet marketing.

If you are selling consumer products you may do well.

I agree. The more I look into it the more it seems that unless you are selling consumer items or if you are offering a consumer-focused service (on-line dating) you are not going to see much bang for your buck, regardless of how many corporate fan pages are set-up.

BobChrist has a point to that since the ads are tied to what is in the person's profile you are not going to get the same volume as from Adwords unless you are reasonably assured that the majority of facebook users all have the right key word.

The few business owners I have spoken with shy away from Facebook not because of the privacy and liability issues but because as implied above, B2B product advertising on Facebook may not yield good ROMI. Also, keep in mind that the mindset of the average Facebook user is not to shop or learn more about products but to engage with others. Thus, an online dating ad would benefit from Facebook advertising rather than an ad for Oracle new database.

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