Hey, I was surfing the internet last night and stumbled upon http://www.addictinggames.com I noticed that you can submit your own flash games to the site for people to play. What I found very interesting is that the game I played had a link to the site who created it. I think this is a very interesting and creative way to promote your Website. I wouldn't use this technique if your Website isn't related to games in some fashion.

Looks nice! But it should have an embedding code feature so we can put the flash games in our own website.

Looks nice! But it should have an embedding code feature so we can put the flash games in our own website.

I believe it does but I'm not positive. I saw a button that said embed games so that leads me to believe you can embed games on your site.

No problem, I will try to post any other interesting ways to promote your site if I stumble across them. I know the best ways to promote your site is SEO, SNSEO(Social network Search Engine Optimization), sites that let you create your own games, using your website name as your username, and links on forums. I really have to re-enforce how important SEO is, you can use link building like in posts and in games but if you don't use SEO and SNSEO your site won't have a chance to succeed.
Oh by the way I created the term SNSEO it stands for Social Network Search Engine Optimization. I wrote a blog on how to use it to your advantage http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4650.html.

wow..that's a nice idea. But you will get very few visitors. Still you need lot of efforts for traffic.

nice idea, so if they embed your code/game, and when they load the page, you got yours right..? Cool..

That's a good idea. However you should avoid submitting to sites that have nothing to do with your type of game unless you honestly think that people on those sites might be interested regardless. I agree with the point that SEO is important... Once all of your SEO tasks have been dealt with, it’s time to move beyond SEO and into the realm of advanced traffic generation.

Thanks Mackone for bringing up the point about link dilution and how it can adversely affect your site's SEO and SERP ranking on Google.

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