Many businesses have incorporated sentiment analysis software/platform to understand the sentiment of their visitors. I am aware of popular content sites like Huffington Post and other similar sites that have added this component. So for your business site, would you add sentiment analysis to understand your visitors and optimize your online community/site to increase conversion?

Many businesses have incorporated sentiment analysis software/platform to understand the sentiment of their visitors. I am aware of popular content sites like Huffington Post and other similar sites that have added this component. So for your business site, would you add sentiment analysis to understand your visitors and optimize your online community/site to increase conversion?

I think if you ask the right type of questions (on forms) or prompt them to provide content (in forums like DaniWeb) where they can be open and honest, you will be able to gauge their sentiment just as easily (if not better) than a specialized piece of software. When it comes down to it, I am a big fan of a manual assessment rather than one provided by an app based on an algorithm.

I agree with you Marketing Rob. I agree that it is good to use a combination of both, manual qualitative sentiment assessment and an automated tool to help with the process.

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