It had to happen sooner or later. I do believe that such tactics do blur the line of what is public worthy and not. I do think that if it does help small counties connect with their constituencies, then great. But I do wonder if in a way, it can bring discord. What do you think?

As school is starting soon (it may have already started in some places), I believe the pros and cons of social networking will grow. I actually saw a PSA yesterday advising teens to be careful what they post online since it is the equivalent of posting it on the school's bulletin board.

As school is starting soon (it may have already started in some places), I believe the pros and cons of social networking will grow. I actually saw a PSA yesterday advising teens to be careful what they post online since it is the equivalent of posting it on the school's bulletin board.

I agree with the PSA based on what has been in the press about kids getting in trouble at school for what they put on their facebook page and school officials demanding password access to student-owned accounts.

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