A friend of mine, who is out of work, was looking through my contacts to see if I had any in a company he was trying to get a job with. He found out that because of one of my 1st level contacts I have President Obama, John McCain, Sarah Palin and a few other politicians as second level contacts. This got me to wondering who else was in my community. And as employers are using social media more and more to look into prospective employees backgrounds, it is probably good to know who is there.

By the way, along with the politicians I am linked I also discovered a few actors, singer and adult movie stars among my contacts. Does this make you curious to find out who is in yours? If you have anyone good let us know.

Oh adult stars and Sarah Palin. Hmm.. Anyway, this is interesting because such connections may lead for misinterpretations by others who may not directly know you. That is why it is important to be careful with whom you connect with.

Oh adult stars and Sarah Palin. Hmm.. Anyway, this is interesting because such connections may lead for misinterpretations by others who may not directly know you. That is why it is important to be careful with whom you connect with.

The funny thing is that I tracked the connections back and the politicians are due to my connection to the leader of one of the groups I belong to that I met at an event. He is really hooked in with a lot of prominent c-level execs who introduced him to the politicians. And politicians love to have successful people they can call a 'friend'.

As for the adult film stars, one of my old co-workers worked for a site designer who did some work for some of the bigger names in adult entertainment who wanted to go somewhat legit. And they being the kind souls that they are, link to up and coming actresses who laying (sorry for the word but it fits) the ground work to be future entrepreneurs like the bigger names.

So, I think no matter how well you vet your connections some questionable and interesting people are going to be linked to you by association. But in reality, if you have over 3.5 million people linked to you some are going to get in that make you scratch your head.

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