I have to write a Report about E Commerce. Therefore i want some details regarding the following.
1. History,current status and future trends
2. Tools and technologies that support e commerce based business models.
3. Major issues and challanges in implementing eCommerce business models.
4. Real world example where eCommerce has been successfully used and the factors that contributed to its success.
Example for business models has been failure and the reasons(Atleast one example for each)

I don't know if you are going to get a lot of personal experience type posts as you seem to be asking for a lot of specific, general info. I would say for the first item check the e-zine sites (ZDNet, ChannelWeb, etc) and look for whitepapers that address e-commerce as probably quote studies that will get into the facts and figures. For the second, I would do a search for e-commerce applications or do a search on e-commerce applications built on specific platforms like .Net. The third will probably come from the same sources for the first item, whitepapers and studies. As for the fourth, whitepapers again but also search the websites of magazines like CIO, Fast Company, Wired and any of the financial magazines like Forbes, BusinessWeek, etc. Hope this helps.

The ecommerce system are designed to give the users a free hand to shop their desired items within the cyber area.

mikaqimi...I am curious about your post...your message implies that you know little if anything about e-commerce yet you have links in your message for websites that sell lingerie and Barry Bonds-level HGH? Your kidding with your question, right?

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