I remember the day when business cards were small and contained the basic information. It seems though that many internet marketers have a very social media friendly business card, with logos, profile picture, and all their social media contact information. So would you create such a card? If you have such a card, do you think it has helped you become more connected?

I remember the day when business cards were small and contained the basic information. It seems though that many internet marketers have a very social media friendly business card, with logos, profile picture, and all their social media contact information. So would you create such a card? If you have such a card, do you think it has helped you become more connected?

I think that to not incorporate your social media identities onto your business card is a detriment to success. With very few exceptions, most businesses need to provide as many avenues as possible for people to connect to them in a way that is comfortable and simple.

Ha - i just read an article about this yesterday. While I can see myself maybe adding a photo (already have a logo on there), I think i'm a little hesitant to add social components to my biz card. In theory, your going to give your business card to people you intend to do business with. Do I really need that person to know my LinkedIn or twitter handle? Seems like a phone number and email address would be adequate. Or am i missing something? Why would you need to add these?

I agree with you Jay. I just thought those cards looked "cheesy" at first. I dont think I will be adding those components anytime soon.

Have you noticed that email auto-signatures now include social media info but no longer include physical mailing addresses? Times are changing :)

Very true observation. I dont think people send out snail mail christmas cards anymore.

Have you noticed that email auto-signatures now include social media info but no longer include physical mailing addresses? Times are changing :)

Yes - i have been noticing this! In an email, I think it makes a lot more sense to substitute the physical mailing address for either your website and/or social media components. It's funny though when you sometimes see emails with bottom heavy signatures. We had one client who had their Name, Title, Company, email, website, physical mailing address, phone, fax, Facebook logo (pointing to the company's fan page), Twitter Logo, and LinkedIn. In most cases, their signature had more to say than the email itself! :)

Yes, I have also seen those extra long e-signatures. Thus, this is another example of clutter 2.0.

Can anyone translate above? I wonder what the post is saying about social media and business cards. I think its Russian. Maybe if I google those keywords and russia I might find some interesting new technology about this. Who knows...

Can anyone translate above? I wonder what the post is saying about social media and business cards. I think its Russian. Maybe if I google those keywords and russia I might find some interesting new technology about this. Who knows...

It was self-promotional spam about some SMS tracking service. [DELETE]

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