Im just curious. I constantly see my friends number going down by one or two every so often. I know that in Twitter - this is normal since Twitter is known to clean out spamming accounts. But what about Facebook? Have you ever met someone to get booted from Facebook?

Im just curious. I constantly see my friends number going down by one or two every so often. I know that in Twitter - this is normal since Twitter is known to clean out spamming accounts. But what about Facebook? Have you ever met someone to get booted from Facebook?

Just one, a former classmate who everyone accepted the friend request from as our class reunion was coming up. Soon after he got himself about 200 friends from high school, him and some of his post-high school friends started posting photos of themselves dressed in Nazi uniforms. Needless to say my fellow classmates and I were stunned because while this guy was a bit odd in school this was way beyond the pale. So we all started blocking him and then one of our classmates who had grandparents who survived the holocaust complained to facebook and he received a message from FB that they would investigate and possible boot the person from FB. As we all blocked him and chose to not seek him out it is possible he was dumped or he quit on his own.

In addition to setting up a fan page, I once set up an actual facebook account for a company. We had about 50 friends before FB caught wind and banned the account - stating something like "not a real person."

Lame :)

Thanks for sharing the stories. It does demonstrate to me that there is some form of enforcement on Facebook, even if its user generated.

I would like to think that even the most ardent defender of free speech would hope that sites like Facebook would have rules regarding hardcore pornography as well as racist/hate content. I know I hope they do.

Facebook have very scrict policys to keep people from spaming. One of the ways they enforce this is by the amount of people you add on a daily basis. Once you start consistently start adding more than 50 people a day a warning in the addmin's backoffice. You will first get a warning then if you continue to violate that warning they will boot you and erase all the contacts from your account. to be on the safe side dont exceed adding 25 people a day and you should be fine

Oh I was not aware of it. But Im glad Facebook has some regulation in place about spammers. I wonder if Myspace had a similar policy. I dont think they did because Myspace became very spammy.

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