For those of you outside of the Long Island, NY area, you may have missed a good one. It seems that the latest teen music sensation, Justin Bieber (who's fame is based on viral youtube videos of himself singing songs by Usher and Ne-Yo, which led to a twitter campaign by his fans to get him a record contract), was scheduled to appear at Justice girls clothing store at the Roosevelt Field Mall last Friday for an autograph signing and mini-concert. An expected crowd of a few hundred turned into a crowd of 3,000 and the Nassau County Police stepped in. First they canceled the appearance and directed a record company exec to contact the singer to tell him not to show. They then direct the same record company exec to send a tweet to all of the fans in attendance to let them know about the change in plans. The exec refused, a minor disturbance occurred, an officer was injured and the record company exec was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child, obstruction of governmental administration, reckless endangerment and criminal nuisance, all misdemeanors and all due to his failure to tweet. The link is below to the original story in Newsday. The exec has plead not guilty.

OMG - I saw something about this on UP9 but I did not realized it was all based on the lack of a tweet!!! The lines of separation between offline and digital lives are more blurred every day.

Ha - i live on LI but did not hear about this. Who would of thought that a tweet could have been so physically influential!

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