Hi can anyone recommend a good email newsletter service I was thinking of using Constant Contact or Mail Chimp. Can anyone suggest a good service and the factors i should consider when making a selection. I look forward to hearing from you



Good question Pete. Thanks for posting. I know people who have good things to say about iContact. They claim it is easy to use and a helpful support staff.

My company uses it's own newsletter software and some of the things we needed to address were...
Opt-out capabilities
Speed of the mail server (if you have tens of thousands of subscribers, it could take hours before the newsletter reaches the recipient)
Features - HTML vs text-based newsletters, surveys, polls

You may take a look at VerticalResponse. They have good reputation over past few years, provide attractive design and optimized newsletter. But you need to make sure if it can meet up ur needs.

many internet marketing firms stil use email marketing. they are stil good

I like VerticalReponse the best by far. Constant Contact is fine as well... but maybe it's just too expensive.

Email marketting is the best way

Mail chimp has good solution for email marketing

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