Hello friends

Any tips on increasing the numebr of fans in Facebook?


How about a contest or giving something away for free?

Yes, you have to create incentives to entice people to become fans.

Spread the word! Post your group everywhere, invite friends.

And dont forget to plug your Facebook Fan Page as much as possible offline and online.

i think you must have special page for attract many fans for your'e account ...
mybe you can write a uniques article about anything baut it was interest many people to join that ..


One thing for sure, dont buy facebook friends.

Hello friends

Any tips on increasing the numebr of fans in Facebook?


I called these guys. They were cheap and they got me tons of fb friends within days. I wasn't going to buy but then spoke to this dude and he sold me. Now my bands fb page is booming and people who joined actually bought my tracks. in the last 2 weeks i made my money back muahahahaha. msg me if you want the contact info.

I called these guys. They were cheap and they got me tons of fb friends within days. I wasn't going to buy but then spoke to this dude and he sold me. Now my bands fb page is booming and people who joined actually bought my tracks. in the last 2 weeks i made my money back muahahahaha. msg me if you want the contact info.

Why not share here in this open discussion forum? Why the secret?

Well if it worked for you great - I just dont trust any of these paid acquired friends. Im sorry - call me a skeptic but I dont trust it.

Why not share here in this open discussion forum? Why the secret?

Ionno kinda bait posting some guys number on a forum. I did do some research before buying though. There are some companies out there spam to get fans, friends or wtv. So there is a reason to be skeptic. Anywho it worked for me and Im using it again next week. Ill let you know if anything changes :)

posted twice sorry :(

The true reason to have Facebook fans is to have a loyal following. So whats the use of buying fans if they will nto be loyal to your brand and services?

if you have enough money then , feed some http://www.facebook.com/business/dashboard/?ref=sb

else, try to post good media or content like photos, Videos , notes or great links to have fun .. that can attract more people, so that they can also suggest that page to their friends to become fan

So here's the update! I did it again and I received another 500 Facebook fans. So I did a test I messages some of the asking why they decided to join and how did they join. They told me they joined because they liked my page and music!!!! The guys I hired is website is pureimpactmarketing.com. I know people are skeptical but man did it ever work for me. Im playing a gig this weekend at a club which they told me the only reason I got it because I had a fan following!

Why don't you try promoting your fan page? Got some more activity with it? Contest? quizzes? puzzles? Have fun with it so that more fans would love your fan page.

Now Facebook has some sort of policy that you cannot run a contest without going through them or a "registered" 3rd party company-- whatever that means-- I tried to do that and I got shut down and a crazy long e-mail telling me I can't launch it.

Now Facebook has some sort of policy that you cannot run a contest without going through them or a "registered" 3rd party company-- whatever that means-- I tried to do that and I got shut down and a crazy long e-mail telling me I can't launch it.

yea.. i bet their ad network is "registered." :)

Also, you got to make sure you folow Facebook policies because your page may get punished. Also, always remember to put new content so you wont loose the current Fans.

How about a contest or giving something away for free?

While it is true that the more fans you have the more opportunity you have to build up a loyal consumer base. However, don't forget that Facebook is an interactive experience. You need to give your fans a reason to keep coming back and to continue their online relationship with your site. The only way to do this is through conversation. If your fans are leaving comments, make sure you take the time to read them, respond, and toss out engaging ideas that will encourage others to respond. You don't have to respond to every single post, but try to find common threads so that each response ends up being targeted at several people. Choose different users to respond to.

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