
Im interested in starting a website with a function similar to the one of the million dollor homepage. You can see this concept here: www milliondollarhomepage com

I'd like to set something up where users can login, submit a photo and then the photo is put into the wall. I understand how to do this in PHP however I know it's not the best way around.

Any thoughts/advice in how I should go about this.

Many thanks,

its a good idea and i like this

i impressed about this idea of creating a million dollor


Im interested in starting a website with a function similar to the one of the million dollor homepage. You can see this concept here: www milliondollarhomepage com

I'd like to set something up where users can login, submit a photo and then the photo is put into the wall. I understand how to do this in PHP however I know it's not the best way around.

Any thoughts/advice in how I should go about this.

Many thanks,

thank bro

Wow, maybe Fred or another one of the mods has not noticed but this thread is full of newbies dropping one liners!!! I mean no offense but I think we should all respect the time of others. On that note, I suggest to Designer 101 that if you want to make a million bucks out of a page, you spell DOLLAR correctly!

I want to advise all of the newcomers in this thread to participate fully, collaborate and provide useful information. That will take you and your business a lot farther than if you are just posting one liners.

It really is shocking the amount of arrogant newbie's who think I’m giving them a fantastic original idea.


There are numerous replications on this website of which haven't made a single dollar. I was simply asking the method of setting one up for learning purposes.
I suggest before you post thanking me for my idea you do some research OR read what I wrote properly.

Also, apologies about the spelling I’m on my iPod.

user registration validation
image/file upload
image validation ( coyright obscenity ) <= this part probably cant be automated
display uploads, appropriately saled
;;seems a bit like photobucket

look on google or in phpscripts.com or other script repository for a photobucket clone script
that will give you the basic method, generally the scripts you source are pretty badly written, they work, not work well
once you have the concept tighten it, recode for efficiency security and to get the scaling into the homepage

commented: Very good comment! +0

Thankyou Almostbob. Good advice! :)

I am not sure how this site would earn. It's not even a good PR site (PR3) and I don't think organically people would go to this site and click to you. But nice try :)

commented: Bad comment - unjust +0

Remember if you are outsourcing the code, it is good to have a code auditor to ensure that the codes are working. The worst scenario is to have a site where visitors come and they are turned off by them unable to load properly.

Thankyou InsightsDigitial, good stuff!

But Kilandara your comment isn't really justified. You can see how this website concept can earn money by taking a look at the "million dollar homepage" yourself.
Nowhere in my post did I say this was about making money. And even in the description of what I am going to code I didn't write anywhere about a payment function.
Don't assume next time ;)

Brilliant idea....but only worked once
Honestly, I don`t think you have a change in succeding in earning something

Your own million dollar homepage you can get these scipts for free and it is not easy to make them yourself.What will be the general topic or no topic and just ads.

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