What are the Successful way to do Social Bookmarking?? just post link or make more friends? or something else?

Both are important. If you have no friend then your content is wasted and if you have thousands of friends and you have no good content then no one will want to read it...

I do agree with Shaniadavid. Social Bookmarking is a strategy to increase traffic to your site. So, both posting link to good social networking sites and making more friends, sharing the links with them will be helpful in getting traffic. Good social networking sites are as follows- Twitter, Facebook, Faves.com, Stumbleupon and many more.

Bookmark unique and relevant content to their respect categories.. that how you can be successful em sure..

if you want success in social bookmarking, bookmark the latest news that's related to your niche of course.

and add friends who share the same interest as you do. the process may take some time but once you have all things set, you won't just be able to get immense amount of traffic, you're bookmark would probably be bookmarked.

chose top social bookmarking sites and bookmark quality content on it

Make your keyword as a title, and do proper description and keywords for submission. Also do select dofollow book marking site for better exposure.

Do register in social media sites such as twitter,delicious,facebook myspace etc and bookmarking and share your links.You will get success.

I do agree with Shaniadavid. Social Bookmarking is a strategy to increase traffic to your site. So, both posting link to good social networking sites and making more friends, sharing the links with them will be helpful in getting traffic. Good social networking sites are as follows- Twitter, Facebook, Faves.com, Stumbleupon and many more.

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Try to find the authority sites from your industry and then bookmark and share quality contents from those sites regularly in real time (it means try to be the first to share the content).

Upload your quality contents on a regular basis friends and traffic will come automatically.

More social Your are more help you could get from social networks.

Maintain and keep your profile updated....

Of course is to link to many different friends

Its quiet true if you share good content on any social networking website and there is no one to read then also its a waste or if in you social networking website thousand of people are there as your friend but the content is not that apt or ambiguity is their then also it wont productive as nothing will work in terms of increasing the traffic or for website promotion.

post your site in quality social bookmarking site and wait for next google updation

Hello mate you should do both adding link and making friends. This is very nice way to promote website and moreover you should bookmarking on high pr websites. Nice thread thanks

The best way to find success with social bookmarking online is to have other people bookmark your sites for you. Rather than being seen as a spammer, people will see your content on other people’s posts. The easiest way to do this is to outsource your social bookmarking.

Just complete your profile page , like some of sites wants profile picture etc .

I think both are important. Social bookmarking is only useful if one is active in it. It need activeness.

The main benefit I see is Social Bookmarking would help you in not fluctuating on SERP, yes so it saves you from Google Dance if you have massively done social bookmarking for your sites.

Do a title as keyword, and make the appropriate description and keywords in the presentation. In addition, select dofollow book marking the site more exposure.

Social bookmarking helps to get backlink for website. and unique content + title of story + high pr website list for social bookmarking helps to get keyword ranking

The Successful way to do Social Bookmarking is not just post link or make more friends. Both are necessary there because if u post link but not friends then no benefit there so good content also should be in your post.


How can i increase my Facebook like pages...???

dont use roboform when submit social bookmarking...

Both post link and make more friends are the successful way to do social bookmarking.

use single title and find dofolow site

Both post link and make more friends are the successful way to do social bookmarking.

What are the Successful way to do Social Bookmarking?? just post link or make more friends? or something else?

Social bookmarking is one of the effective way of getting traffic, and it will be more useful for the bookmarking of recent links and adding more friends will help to get success.

Social Bookmarking is a strategy to increase traffic to your site,using a social media like facebook, twitter, delicious ,myspace etc. You will get more success.

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